Magic watch
I am a professional magician and this watch is great. Clients often notice and remark how they enjoy it. I like it so much I bought an extra as a back up! Keeps great time and adds value to my look. Highly recommend.
Custom job
I've been purchasing from Whimsical Gifts for many years. As a magician, I've been getting the magic-themed watches and they have added my logo within the artwork. A great conversation starter!
Great Looking Watch
Great looking watch. Never fails to get a great reaction from people who see it. It IS a designer watch though and not really built to survive "in the field" rigors. This is my FOURTH watch. Don't wear it in heavy humidity, don't wear it if you are going to be sweating a lot. Indoors, great. Outdoors in high humidity, not so great. I am a working magician and the watch doesn't hold up to real-life rigors. I still love it though, just be aware of its limitations.